Law One

Key Details About Child Custody In Colorado

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Child custody laws can be complex in the state of Colorado and it’s important for parents to understand their rights and responsibilities. Here are some of the key points about child custody in Colorado:

Colorado uses a “best interests of the child” standard when determining parental responsibility for decision making (i.e. “custody”) and parenting time. Essentially, this means that judges will consider what arrangements will be in the child’s best interests in terms of stability, relationships with both parents, and other factors.

It’s important to note that both parents have equal rights to custody in the eyes of the court unless there is proven parental unfitness or potential harm to the child(ren). 

Colorado courts favor joint custody arrangements if both parents are able to civilly discuss important life decisions for their children. 

The parties may agree in a parenting plan a schedule for parenting time for each parent and responsibilities for the child’s expenses, health care, education, and other needs. This parenting plan aims to promote a meaningful relationship with both parents.

Parental alienation and interference with the other parent’s relationship with the child can be factors that weigh against a parent in a custody dispute. Parents are expected to facilitate a close bond between the child and both sides of the family.

If you have any questions about child custody law in Colorado, you should get in touch with the team at Law One by calling (303) 831-8313. Our experienced lawyers can help answer any questions you have about the child custody process and what makes Colorado’s laws on the subject unique. 



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