Law One

How Long Does It Take To Resolve A Personal Injury Case?

How Long Does It Take To Resolve A Personal Injury Case?

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A few years ago, an insurance-related message board was discussing the length of a personal injury case. One user simply responded, “This is a question you should be asking your attorney.”

And they have a point, as experienced lawyers will have much more insight into the amount of time your case will take.

If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by another person’s negligence, you may consider pursuing a personal injury claim to recover compensation for your injuries and losses. But you may be wondering how long the entire process will take and if it is truly worth the trouble.

Every case is different and there are no guarantees, but most personal injury cases generally take between one to three years from start to finish. The primary steps in the process are:

  • Treating your injuries
  • Gathering evidence such as medical records, photos, and witness statements
  • Having a Law One attorney speak to your treating medical professional(s)
  • Preparing a settlement demand package to be sent to the insurance company
  • Only if you authorize it, drafting a formal complaint or lawsuit
  • Engaging in pre-trial discovery where both sides exchange information
  • Attending mediation
  • If needed, and only in unusual circumstances, preparing for and participating in a trial

The initial evidence gathering occurs within the first six months. It often takes several months to over a year to receive all medical care and treatment, gather final bills, and obtain medical reports and opinions. That information is crucial to fully understanding the value of your claim and for settlement negotiations.

Most cases resolve through a negotiated settlement without the need for trial. Those settlement discussions and mediation may occur anywhere from six months to over a few years following your accident. If the case does proceed to trial, it often takes several additional months to a year to prepare witness and expert testimony, file necessary motions, and schedule a trial date.

We Can Help

At Law One, you control the timing of a case. We will guide you through the process, but if you instruct us to resolve your case at any time, we will resolve the case!

No matter how long your personal injury case will take, you likely have questions about the incident and potential compensation. When you call Law One at (303) 831-8313 for a free consultation, you can get a better sense of potential compensation as well as how long your case will take.

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